PS C:\Users\Dev\Desktop\Sources\drv-loader\drv-loader\build\x64\Debug> .\drv-loader.exe -h usage: drv-loader.exe [<Driver file path>] options where options are: -?, -h, --help display usage information --display, -d <Display name> Set the display name --operation, -o <load|un...
DrvLdr(Tensh Drivers Loader - 天启驱动加载)是一款驱动加载软件,它能为驱动测试工作带来极大便利,可轻松将驱动载入系统内核。 软件功能: 1.代码优化 2.取消背景音乐,窗口淡入淡出,优化Flash Banner 3.修复添加的注册表项残留的Bug 4.修复加载驱动错误时提示信息中的一个错误 ...
BlackBoneDrv.vcxproj.filters Dispatch.c Imports.h Inject.c Loader.c Loader.h MMap.c NativeEnums.h NativeStructs.h NativeStructs10.h NativeStructs7.h NativeStructs8.h NativeStructs81.h NotifyRoutine.c PEStructs.h Private.c Private.h
/// <returns>Found loader entry. NULL if nothing found</returns> PKLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY BBGetSystemModule( IN PUNICODE_STRING pName, IN PVOID pAddress ) { ASSERT( (pName != NULL || pAddress != NULL) && PsLoadedModuleList != NULL ); if ((pName == NULL && pAddress == ...
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I followed this guide "", but when I run my Virtual Machine, I obtain this error: Owner hfiref0x commented Mar 20, 2017 net start vboxdrv from elevated command prompt 👍 3 Author Mac85 commented Mar 20, 2017...