DRUNK driving statistics for April 12-16, the five days of Songkran celebration, show that there were more violations this year than last year despite the measure “drunk don’t drive – face arrest and vehicle will be seized” during the seven dangerous days,Thai News Agency said today(April...
Sobering stats on driving drunkPeter DeMarco
The FBI report that 1.4 million people are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. While that’s only 1% of the 112 million who admit to driving drunk, it’s still a significant sum. However, the average person convicted of alcohol-impaired driving has done it alre...
Stats dot NBA dot com is always there, and Small Sample Size Theater can be a trip. (Eds note: My favorite right now is in Denver, where the Nuggets are performing FIFTY NINE (59) points worse per 100 possessions when Russell Westbrook is on the floor, versus when he’s on the bench...
, the parent of a young driver or someone who has never felt drowsy behind the wheel, don’t take any risks when it comes to roadway safety. Be prepared to make alternative plans if you are too tired to drive and remember that drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving....