Here are five tips to help protect yourself from drunk drivers: 1.Avoid driving late at night. Fatal car accidents have been seen to occur more frequently at night. Especially during holidays or events which involve heavy drinking, fatal drunk driving accidents dramatically increase after dark. Ac...
Presents tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Mothers Against Drunk Driving on spotting a drunk driver. Illegal or abrupt turning; Driving at the center of the road; Rapid acceleration or deceleration; Driving below the spe...
Driving Safety Tips for Young Adults Young adults, especially teens, are more likely to binge drink than other age groups when they drink alcohol. It’s one of the reasons why the drunk driving fatality rate for young adults is so much higher. The following are a few safety tips that you...
Follow these tips to promote driving safety and avoid any possible drunk driving accidents. Tips for Avoiding Accidents Caused by Drinking How to Prevent Drinking and Driving? Ask a friend to drive for you if you’re consuming alcohol Ask for a ride Take a taxi Offer to drive for a friend...
More importantly, driving under the influence greatly puts your safety at risk. Nobody can drive drunk, so you should never assume that you can. If you end up seriously harming or killing another driver, then the penalties mentioned above become far more severe. ...
Free Essay: Get all your DUI quarries resolved: DUI driving can be a very serious issue. DUI stands for driving under the influence of any drug or alcohol...
Because holiday parties can include alcohol, we've created specific holiday safety tips and responsible party hostkitsto prevent your parties from going south. Billboards You've probably seen Attorney Edgar Snyder pointing at you somewhere when you're driving in Pennsylvania. What better way to re...
Posted inCell Phone Etiquette,Driving Etiquette,Etiquette Tips,Texting Etiquette|Taggedcell phones while driving,Driving Etiquette,driving manners,driving responsibly,driving while impaired,drunk driving,road safety,texting and driving|1 Comment
Other road safety initiatives include Road to Zero and VisionZero.Today, drunk driving is still a serious issue, accounting for 28% of all fatal car crashes in the US.We look at the 10 worst cities for drunk driving in this report, all of which average more than 600 DUI arrests per ...
According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),drunk driving resulted in 10,142 deathsin 2019 in the United States. This is far more than the3,142 deaths caused by distracted drivingover the same period. The general consensus is that drunk driving is more f...