DUI Attorneys at Steve Balcon and Associates provide DUI, Drunk Driving, Criminal Defense, License Restoration, Traffic Tickets Services and More in Michigan. DUI Attorney MI.
Michigan DUI and DWI attorney Jeffrey Randa has over 22 years of experience helping people get back on the road. Learn more.
Top Attorneys Michigan DUI Defense 2012 populararticles Some of the most frequently read sections.Perform a search to find articlesregarding virtually any drunk driving topic. Breath Test Refusal If you refused to take a breath or blood test after you were arrested for a drunk driving offense, yo...
My name is William Maze, and I am one of Michigan's most widely recognized DUI attorneys (technically known as anOWI charge in Michiganoroperating while intoxicated). I have 20 years ofexperience fighting Michigan DUI charges. I have fought moreMichigan drunk drivingcharges than any other lawy...
Not All Drunk Driving Convictions Are Created Equal Drunk driving is a criminal offense in Michigan which carries serious prison sentences, sometimes exceeding incarceration for robbery, committing a felony with a gun, and manslaughter. A third alcohol/driving related conviction is a felony and could...
drunk driving and driving under the influence ofdrugs, as well as similar offenses such asvehicular homicideandboating under the influence. Take this opportunity to review and compare the services and qualifications of local attorneys in order to find the one that is best suited to handle your ...
How I Win Michigan Drunk Driving Cases for My Clients | Over the course of my career, I have beaten a few hundred drunk driving cases in Michigan, and nearly everyone knows it in the legal community. Maybe you are actually guilty, but you have the right
» (734) 941-8800 « 25 years experience, aggressive attorney in Romulus Michigan, near Detroit Metro Airport, ready to handle your criminal and traffic cases including drunk driving, domestic violence, felony charges, misdemeanors, and other crimes.