Instead of being charged with disorderly conduct, an individual can be charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer. The difference between the two crimes is knowledge. In the obstruction of a law enforcement officer, a person must knowingly and willfully hinder or obstruct an office ...
SCCDRUNKlawthe crime of behaving in a violent noisy way in a public place when you are drunk酒后滋事罪 Examples from the Corpus being drunk and disorderly•Once, in about 1985 I think, forbeing drunk and disorderly.•Reportedly, two Houston police officers arrested a black woman forbeing ...
drunk and disorderly 读音:美英 drunk and disorderly基本解释 醉酒与错乱;酒后闹事 分词解释 drunk醉的 disorderly杂乱的
drunk and disorderly (law) behaving in a noisy or violent way in a public place because you are drunk Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly. (as) drunk as a lord (old-fashioned, British English) (North American English (as) drunk as a skunk) (informal) very drunk...
(Law)informala large police cell used for detaining drunks overnight Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 drunk′ tank` ...
drunk-and-disorderly - someone arrested on the charge of being drunk and disorderly; "they delivered the drunk-and-disorderlies to the county jail" Adj. 1. drunk - stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated...
drunk and disorderly betrunken und öffentliches Ärgernis erregend to be drunk as a lord [or skunk] 俗 total blau [o. voll] sein 俗 单数在互联网中有 20 个示例复数在互联网中有 20 个示例 显示更多 2. drunk 引 (overcome): drunk trunken 诗 to be drunk with sth trunken...
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Disorderly Conduct Defense Lawyer of Wisconsin Attorney Tracey Wood, Trademark Disorderly Contact Charges In Wisconsin, Attorney Wood Wisconsin Drunk Driving OWI DUI Lawyer, Attorney Tracey A. Wood Law Guru Attorney Tracey Wood Recommended Wisconsin Drunk Driving OWI DUI Lawyers ...
drunk and disorderly adj. 沉醉与混乱的 dead drunk adj. 烂醉如泥的 punch drunk a. 头昏眼花的,东倒西歪的,模糊不清的 self sow v. 自然生长 cross sow 十字型播种 最新单词 alloy watch band的中文释义 合金表带 alloy type transistor是什么意思 合金型晶体管 alloy treatment怎么翻译及发音 合...