"When I createdDrunk Elephant, I isolated the most effective ingredients that directly benefit the health of skin. Now I think of Drunk Elephant as an ingredient-elimination philosophy for a total skin reset." TIFFANY MASTERSON ©2025 Drunk Elephant ...
Discover the world of Drunk Elephant skincare, skincare smoothies and bronzing drops. Shop Drunk Elephant retinol, vitamin C, and more at boots.com.
醉象DrunkElephant 3月7日 12:00 来自微博网页版 【国际妇女节和#天猫国际# 一起,BreaktheRules,我们漂亮给自己看!】💪🏻来自美国的DrunkElephant品牌,我们改写精简护肤规则!用醉象 焕新肌!🔍即日起上淘宝搜索DrunkElephant海外旗舰店,蓝罐多肽面霜买1享100ml,入会领100元券,#天猫国际38焕新周#,焕新全...
"When I createdDrunk Elephant, I isolated the most effective ingredients that directly benefit the health of skin. Now I think of Drunk Elephant as an ingredient-elimination philosophy for a total skin reset." TIFFANY MASTERSON ©2025 Drunk Elephant ...
Drunk Elephant is dedicated to biocompatible skincare, using effective active ingredients that directly enhance skin health while maintaining balanced pH levels. Importantly, their products never include the Suspicious 6™: essential oils, drying alcohols, silicones, chemical sunscreens, fragrances/dyes, ...
Drunk Elephant(醉象)是资生堂集团旗下的高端护肤品牌,以“全天然、无毒成分”为核心理念,2012年创立于美国,2019年进入中国市场。该品牌曾因生产过程中成分混合问题在美国市场召回三款产品,但其他地区未受影响。以下是关于该品牌的详细分析: 一、品牌背景与核心理念 Drunk Elephant由Tiffany M...
Drunk Elephant D-Bronzi Bronzing Drops 30ml 4.7 stars out of a maximum of 5 392 RRP:£34.00Current price:£28.90 Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream 50ml 4.7 stars out of a maximum of 5 336 RRP:£62.00Current price:£46.50 ...
2024年4月24日,旗下「醉象Drunk Elephant」品牌在中国内地全新上市,首发于丝芙兰线下250家门店及其线上平台,计划到2024年底覆盖300家门店,并同步开设了醉象官方旗舰店。这是继跨境电商运营和两度参展中国国际进口博览会后,资生堂正式将醉象引入中国内地市场。
Drunk Elephant are coming to a city near you! For a limited time only, Drunk Elephant are on tour in the UK to celebrate their 2nd birthday with Boots. Keep your eyes peeled for the Drunk Elephant team as they travel around the country in a Drunk Elephant branded truck in ...
如上图,醉象是一个美国的新兴牌子,4年前被日本资生堂集团收购了。 为什么要收购它呢 因为销量增长挺快的,而且价格偏高端。 一旦价格高端了,利润空间相对就会多一些。 我们来分析一下这个牌子的产品。 1马鲁拉油 醉象的全系产品都使用了一个植物油 马鲁拉油 ...