I've seen a lot of drummerswith awesome drumsets but crappy cymbals. Guys, good sounding cymbals are also part of the equation! -Buster Always as a rule of thumbcount out loud when soloing or practising around the set. Even when you are using a metronome or rhythm machine you should al...
The reason the roads are so cheap is because of very high utilisation, which helps spread the cost among many users. Sadly the railways don't have such high utilisation (in many instances) and in the UK are currently facing a 40 year backlog of upgrades & maintainance. Andy Siggi on ...
Their philosophical delusions also put Ronnie RayGun into office, which began the downward spiral in regulation which has resulted in today's world financial mess. As they used to say in California, "You are what you drive". Without cheap oil, lots of folks won't be driving very much, if...
Substrate, one can still visit the 'Ebay Motors' website, and others, and find used VW Diesel Jettas, Rabbits and pick ups for sale cheap. These vehicles will return close to 50 mpg and lots of parts for them are still readily available. With a proper rebuild and basic maintenance these...
true then we are in very serious trouble from the energy decline perspective and should be forgetting about CO2 capture and building as many alternative means of gathering energy as we can. Should the estimates used by the IPCC turn out to be correct - based on data from the IEA and USGS...
I'm growing tomatoes, chilli peppers, parsley and basil in our living/kitchen area. Space is tight though, and it's beginning to look very Wyndhamesque, even though friends and colleaugues were only too happy to relieve me of my excess plants! The pots etc. weren't cheap, but I've ...
O doesn't get that the conventional process of economic growth -- based, as it was, on industrial expansion via revolving credit in a cheap-energy-resource era -- is over, and why does he keep invoking it at the podium? Dear Mr. President, you are presiding over an epochal contraction...