SKS 7.62x39 KCI 75-round drum magazine (KCI SKS) is a magazine in Escape from Tarkov. The KCI 75-round blued steel magazine is designed for use with the SKS carbines that accept external magazines. Two exterior latches open the rear of the drum, allowing
At a leverage ratio of 10/1 about 100 trillion dollars of collateral Is needed to support the total derivatives market! The derivatives market must keep expanding for the banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds and others to stay profitable!!
OTOH, the other article in the magazine, on life in the Congo, is a perfect present day example of what the doomers fear in societal collapse. Just substitute oil for Belgium. Leanan on September 17, 2007 - 4:55pm Permalink | Parent | Comments top But Klein's push against the oil ...
"Rowhani's victory is not regime change in Iran -- but it is a game changer," said Foreign Policy magazine. He's been noncomittal on Syria, but he tends to be pro-KSA who've been backing the rebels. I doubt he'll want to piss off the House of Saud at this point. The Ayatolla...
We have a writer for a national magazine/website here? Like, REAL media, a.k.a., the formerly trusted media? Wow... Perhaps I should start posting useful stuff... ;) In all seriousness (Yes, I pulled a Hunt Bros. and cornered the market), I have wondered out loud how long such... ”“Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated—and it’s a very small amount—every bit of plastic ever made still exists,” Moore says, describing how the material’s molecular structure resists biodegradation. Instead,... ”“Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated—and it’s a very small amount—every bit of plastic ever made still exists,” Moore says, describing how the material’s molecular structure resists biodegradation. Instead,... ”“Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated—and it’s a very small amount—every bit of plastic ever made still exists,” Moore says, describing how the material’s molecular structure resists biodegradation. Instead,... ”“Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated—and it’s a very small amount—every bit of plastic ever made still exists,” Moore says, describing how the material’s molecular structure resists biodegradation. Instead,... ”“Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated—and it’s a very small amount—every bit of plastic ever made still exists,” Moore says, describing how the material’s molecular structure resists biodegradation. Instead,...