A complete Wild Shape rework - CR progression, HP, AC, attributes scaling and full rework of all vanilla WS forms with new abilities and features; new WS forms, and lots of other fixes and additions. All to make a more balanced, interesting and varied experience, with a proper 5e/5R des...
Enhanced Wild Shape: Moon Druid exclusive Wild Shapes early game like the Bear and the Dire Raven. When you reach zero health with the bear you transform back to human form with full HP. Tankiness: The Bear grants high Hit Points and deals massive melee damage. Strong from the start: Bec...
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts, ...
A detailed look at all the Druid Wild Shape Forms in Baldur's Gate 3. Cat, Spider, Bear, Badger, Raven, Owlcat, Wolf, Deep Rothé, Displacer Beast.
Wild Shape: Druids must pick between Wolf or Bear for their first wild shape. They will receive the other shape at level 5. All forms act as an Active feat that you can toggle on/off. It costs 5 spell points to change into a form. Returning to a humanoid form is free. You gain...
Mods Equipment Druid Wildshape Items Spanish Endorsements 2 Unique DLs 290 Total DLs 410 Total views 3,008 Version 1.4.4 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 01 August 20247:39AM Original upload 15 April 202411:04AM Created by ...
Wildshape Mastery Lvl. 78 Empowered Shapeshifting Lvl. 79 Pack's Endurance Lvl. 80 Strike for the Heart Level Required:80 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 Talents by Level ON Export Talents Open in Calculator
frenzied_regeneration = { 82220, 22842 , 1 }, -- Heals you for 20% health over 3 sec, and increases healing received by 20%. heart_of_the_wild = { 82231, 319454, 1 }, -- Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Feral: Gain 1...
Wizards of the Coast shares fan feedback from a recent DnD playtest, and changes to the D&D Druid's Wild Shape has seen critique from TTRPG fans.Mollie Russell Published: May 16, 2023 Dungeons and Dragons A recent D&D playtest left fans divided over the DnD Druid’s Wild Shape feature,...
Can druids wild shape into polar bears? Polar bears recently gained a standalone stat block in the Bestiary V, which indicates that druids probably should be allowed to wild shape into that form, but on closer inspection, it is clearly just the templated bear mentioned from the first Bestiar...