spring.boot.admin.turbine.location=http://localhost:${turbine.stream.port}/ 1. 2.2.3、效果测试 注意: 如果spring.boot.admin.turbine.location不更改为url,会报如下错误,因为端点端口并未暴露到程序监听的80端口,而是暴露到了turbine.stream.port所配置的8088端口 Unable to connect to Command Metric Stream ...
suppressedExceptions= {Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList@13951} size =0CacheData.this.name ="fixed-" 可以看到根本原因是:Unable to set value for property url , 难道是 nacos 上的配置中心的配置有问题? spring: application: name: erdp...
Added sqlPlannerBloat query context parameter to control whether two project operators get merged when inlining expressions #16248 Improved window function offsets for ArrayListRowsAndColumns #16718 Improved the fallback strategy when the Broker is unable to materialize the subquery's results as frames...
When using Ibis with Apache Druid as backend, I’m unable to access the following tables from INFORMATION_SCHEMA:COLUMNS, ROUTINES, SCHEMATA, and TABLES. Only user-created tables (e.g., wikiticker-2015-09-12-sampled) are accessible, as shown in the log output. What version of ibis are y...
log.error(e, "Unable to connect to irc server [%s]", host); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to connect to server", e); } } 代码示例来源:origin: io.druid/druid-server public static void sendJsonError(HttpServletResponse resp, int error, String errorJson, OutputStream outputStream) {...
OBS操作相关故障 读取文件报错,如何正确读取文件 TensorFlow-1.8作业连接OBS时反复出现提示错误 TensorFlow在OBS写入TensorBoard到达5GB时停止 保存模型时出现Unable to connect to endpoint错误 OBS复制过程中提示“BrokenPipeError: 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 临时授权访问OBS 临时授权访问OBS 场景介绍 本案例介绍如何...
getTimeBetweenConnectErrorMillis()); druidDataSource.setValidationQuery(config.getValidationQuery()); druidDataSource.setTestWhileIdle(config.isTestWhileIdle()); druidDataSource.setTestOnBorrow(config.isTestOnBorrow()); druidDataSource.setTestOnReturn(config.isTestOnReturn()); ...
druid.metadata.storage.connector.connectURI=jdbc:mysql://MasterNode01:3306/druid druid.metadata.storage.connector.user=web_druid druid.metadata.storage.connector.password=qcUa4dcOQ8AZAJu0 druid.storage.type=hdfs druid.storage.storageDirectory=/druid/segments ...
Cannot connect to ODBC DSN: [SQL_ERROR]:[08001][-1][[unixODBC][Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: [error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:c]|[08001][-1][[unixODBC][Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]Client unable to establish connection] ...
For alerting, we are using prometheus-alert manager to alert us when the missing segments count (the number of segments that the historical process has been unable to register) climbs above some specified value: Once we have this Druid cluster setup we can submit our ingestion spec to Druid ...