Very few healing cooldowns for Mythic+. Mediocre passive damage output. 3. Patch 11.0.7 Changes for Restoration Druid There are no changes to Restoration Druid in this patch. 4. Patch 11.0.5 Changes for Restoration Druid Mark of the Wild now costs 1% base Mana (was 4%). New Talent: Twi...
We are looking to have people running mythic plus, pvp, and weekly raids. We are currently 7/8H, 8/8N, and quite a few of us are already KSM. We raid Tuesday & Thursday (7:30PM CST - 10:30PM CST) with a 20-30 person balanced raid roster. Come experience the progression with ...
Please inquire Raid Times: Thurs and Mon 7-10pm PST Current Progression: 6/8M TEP & 7/9M BfD Requirements: around ilvl 440+ and AP65+, mythic raiding xp a plus, good attendance, addons that are a mus… Kenpewz <Agile Peacocks> 126 posts 70 Troll Druid 22135 Dec 2019 That was...
Please inquire Raid Times: Thurs and Mon 7-10pm PST Current Progression: 6/8M TEP & 7/9M BfD Requirements: around ilvl 440+ and AP65+, mythic raiding xp a plus, good attendance, addons that are a mus… Kenpewz <Agile Peacocks> 126 posts 70 Troll Druid 22135 Dec 2019 That was...
Mythic Plus Dungeons are a key part of the game, and are integral in building a gearset to push top content. From learning a new dungeon at the start of an expansion to pushing keys with a group of friends, there is always lots of fun to be had and we could always use another memb...
Application: https :// Twitch: https :// Contact GM Wek at: Dr. Wek#1632 - discord Slayna#1159 - bnet Contact Healing Officer Livie at: livie#4169 - discord livie#11751 - bnet Trouttra...
Hi there! We’re a mage and a balance/resto druid looking for a mythic raid team. Realm; Area52 Times; Pref weekdays between 7-11 PM EST. After our guild fell apart pretty early on in BFA, we decided to just make our …
I’m currently trying to get into mythic raiding. I’ve got a Balance Druid which is being my main for BoD, a WW Monk and a BM Hunter, i can switch to any offspec of these classes. I’ve got AOTC on the 4th week leading a…
We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges. More about the guild: This is a semi-hardcore mythic progression focused guild first and ...
Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding two nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 6/9 heroic and are going to push AOTC with the current tier of raiding. We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun!