TheDnD Druid 5eclass is as versatile as the natural forces it commands. A living conduit for flora and fauna, a Druid can be a powerhouse of melee damage, crowd control, healing, or support. They can also be (and befriend) almost any animal in Dungeons and Dragons – which is evenmore...
I remember when Circle of the Moon came standard in PHG 5e. Now it’s only Circle of Land who is the least fun druid build to play. It makes no sense. Probably because after the DnD movie was made, and people realized that the druid was circle of the moon, they wanted to play ...
It is really comprised of many creatures, whose action in concert gives the swarm its power. My opinion is that they forgot to define or haven't finalized the definition of a swarm, which is why it doesn't appear in the list of standard creature types on page 2 of the 5e Dungeon Mast...
Druids are great, but Wild Shape has some subtle frustrations. I'm near the end of a mid-level (5–12) campaign in which I played as a Circle of the Moon Druid, and our group may continue on to a high-level campaign with the same characters. I have loved the Druid class and the...
Ultimately, players can stack their characters of any race, providing they know what they are looking for. Druids are going to be wisdom centric and any ability to speak with animals or plants is going to be highly coveted. That being said, players will be off to the perfect start by pi...
dnd-5e-2014 combat druid. Featured on Meta Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network... to every thing there is a season Linked 16 What level is a spell if you cast it without expending a spell slot? Related 4 Is this homebrew druid Circle of ...
The context for this is that a PC druid that is not yet level 8, wants to achieve flight by using the Wild Companion feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to summon a familiar with a fly speed like an owl, and then turn themselves into a small creature like a crab wi...
The druid's Beast Spells feature says (5e PHB, p. 67): Beginning at 18th level, you can cast many of your druid spells in any shape you assume using Wild Shape. You can perform the somatic and verbal components of a druid spell while in a beast shape, but you aren't ...
This would probably work better when the Druid has the option to stay indefinitely in Wild Shape form (usually starting around level 16-18, when a single use of Wild Shape lasts 8-9 hours). In any case, can a Druid Wild Shaped as a horse equip and use magical horseshoes? dnd-5e-...
dnd-5e-2014 monsters druid cantrips forced-movement. Featured on Meta More network sites to see advertising test [updated with phase 2] We’re (finally!) going to the cloud! Related 9 Forced Movement: Can a Halfling really pull a Dragon? 13 Can you choose to not p...