Diablo 4 Druid Landslide – Druid Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7) Table of Contents Build IntroductionStrengths and WeaknessesBuild RequirementsSkill Tree Points and Skill BarSpirit Boons – The Druid SpecializationGear, Gems, Elixirs, and StatsLegendary AspectsStat Priority and Tempering AffixesGems an...
For general tips and information about leveling a Druid in Diablo 4, check out our Druid Leveling Page. Seasonal: Looking for the right Witchcraft Powers for the build? Check them out here. Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar Recommended Suggested Skill Bar Poison Creeper Blood Howl Trample Petrif...
【暗黑破坏神4】wudijo | 试炼场补丁重点提示 | THE BIG HIGHLIGHTS of the Gauntlet Balance Patch! 08:17 【暗黑破坏神】rob | 巫师最佳冲榜BD 电弧VS点球 Best Sorc Build for the Gauntlet! 29:31 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 试炼即将实装 New Diablo 4 Endgame "TRIALS" Release Tomorrow ...
需要技能: 无 效果: 这是一个狡猾的盟友, 这些智慧的藤蔓会伸出它们的触手使得它们接触的每一个敌人都中毒. 猛毒花藤 橡木智者 需要等级: 6 需要技能: 无 效果:德鲁依通过运用这个技能可以召唤一个有用的灵来帮助自己和自己的召唤兽获得更多的生命. 橡木智者 召唤幽灵狼 需要等级: 6 需要技能: 乌鸦...
4】Diablo IV | Vessel of Hatred | Spirit Guardians Deep Dive 03:50 【暗黑4】ROB旋风蛮145深坑 SPIN2WIN TAKES DOWN 145 PIT SOLO CLEAR 10:13 【暗黑4】ROB|新职业特效疯狂NEW Class IS INSANE - Look at these CRAZY EFFECTS 04:57 【暗黑4】ROB|新BD看上去不错|This NEW Diablo 4 Build is ...
施放延迟: 4 秒 需要等级: 24 需要技能: 火风暴 [1], 熔浆巨岩 [6], 火山爆 [12] 效果:德鲁依通过训练, 可以召唤出一座火山, 喷发出熔岩和巨石以毁灭的力量降临到周围敌人的头上. 火山得到的额外奖励 熔浆巨岩: +12% 伤害依等级 火山爆: +12% 火焰伤害依等级 ...
Still working my way up (lvl 21) It just doesn’t feel great. (And if you can’t tell from my name, druid is what I was REALLLY looking forward to in D4.) Have not played with the earth or bear as I’m more interested in …
The enchant skill he has will also give all of your wolves and bear an extra 300% attack rating and add 250 to 300 fire damage to each of their attacks if you get him some +skills equipment. Any +1 skills armor, an entheral spirit monarch, a +skills hat (lore is cheat at ort ...
Printable version of this page IconNameEffectReq Char LvlPrerequisite FirestormA skill that produces waves of molten earth. Mana Cost: 4 Casting Delay: 0.6 seconds1none Level1234567891011121314151617181920 Average Fire Damage per second3-77-1010-1414-1717-2121-2424-2828-3132-3637-4142-4546-5051-5556...
Here are the Druid Skills you'll want to have selected on your skill bar and focus on allocating skill points to in the Druid Skill tree. Diablo 4 Druid Leveling Build 1-58 Characters receive their first skill point at level 2, but some players may have extra skill points from Renown re...