Community / Forums / Organized Play / Pathfinder Society / Cavalier pledge to a druid order satisfy requirement to take elemental companion? All Messageboards Want to post a reply? Sign in. Recent threads in Pathfinder Society Looking for list of PFS2E Scenario Metaplot Arcs Last post:...
I get WoW druids. I don't get DnD/Pathfinder Druids. Never have. I see. Ok, so lets start off with some basics: Thematically, druids are nature themed shamans. They have potent spell casting, magical abilities and they get a bond with nature either via domain or an animal compan...
In 3.5 the Druid was about the only base class worth taking till level 20, mostly because of wild shape and the animal companion. In the Pathfinder Beta the only features a druid gets from level 16-20 are an additional use of wildshape on level 16 and 18 and the ability to use wil...