Use Aquatic Form to activate two owl statues on the small islands in Hillsbrad Foothills (36, 75 and 53, 81) within two minutes to get a Symbol of the Third Owl. Bring all three symbols to Loganaar, the Druid Trainer in Moonglade, to get your rune. Wild Strikes Rune Wild Strikes is...
I’m certain that there are aquatic druidic traditions. The Qaltiar drow have a tradition involving primal spirits, as seen in The Shattered Land and Gates of Night. But neither of these are things I have time to explore in this format. Once Eberron is unlocked for the DM’s Guild, I...
But you can double tap this macro and go from mounted > dismounted > travel form. #showtooltip travel form /dismount /stand /cast [stance:1] dire bear form; [stance:2] aquatic form; [stance:3] cat form /cast travel formCopy Mount Macro The game doesn’t allow you to mount up from...