The meaning of DRUG is a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication. How to use drug in a sentence.
Experts say fighting the drug war starts at home If you can recall when America's war on drugs involved eye catching commercials involving a cast iron skillet and a cracked egg, experts say it's probably time for a drug war refresh. ...
Can we win the war on drugs?(Season 4, Episode 5) TV Episode|Talk-Show Edit pageAdd to list The battle against drug abuse has been joined by both presidential candidates, but this was has been going on and off for at least 80 years. Can it be won, and what can a president really...
And too often the war on drugs plays out as a war on the millions of people who use drugs, and disproportionately on people who are poor or from ethnic minorities and on women.1 Prohibition and stigma encourage less safe drug … 展开 ...
History of the War on Drugs I came of age in the 60’s. In both the military and in college I saw drug use run rampant. Of the hundreds of people I have known who used drugs often, not one ever went to the hospital, a mental ward, into a dry-out program or died. But at lea...
See Charles Murray, `How To Win The War on Drugs', in The Crisis in Drug Prohibition, David Boaz, ed., Cato Institute, Washington, 1990. Murray goes along with drug decriminalisation, but only if it is accompanied by a free mar...
In June 1971, Nixon officially declared a “War on Drugs,” stating that drug abuse was “public enemy number one.” A rise in recreational drug use in the 1960s likely led to President Nixon’s focus on targeting some types of substance abuse. As part of the War on Drugs initiative, ...
BEIJING, June 25 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for following a path with Chinese characteristics to contain drug-related problems and winning the war on drugs in the new era. Xi, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and...
To win the war, Xi spoke of the need to strengthen Party leadership, give full play to the political and system advantages, improve the anti-drug work mechanism, heighten responsibilities for officials and mobilize the public. Xi noted that important progress had been achieved since the 18th CPC...
1 The U.S. War on Drugs was first proclaimed in 1972 by Richard Nixon, who defined narcotics as “public enemy number one,” initiating drug control policy framed in terms of National Security at home and abroad.2 This approach criminalized illegal drug users using mostly law enforcement ...