Where are we Going with Drugs to Treat MS? Will Cost Continue to Increase?The article by Dalia Rotstein, Muhannad Mamdani and Paul O'Connor from St Michael's Hospital MS clinic published in this issue of the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences1 is remarkable on two fronts: the finding...
This finding has motivated new research that showed good effects using drugs that initially had been developed to treat diabetes. Preclinical studies showed good neuroprotective effects applying insulin or long lasting analogues of incretin peptides. In transgenic animal models of AD or PD, analogues ...
Spironolactone, an aldosterone mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, has been commonly used to treat cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. It has anti-inflammatory effects on the peripheral tissues and central nervous system and therefore may have beneficial effects on neurological disorders [82]....
Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate) is used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) to help you have fewer relapses, delay the progression of disability, and slow brain lesion development. Tecfidera may help delay the progression of relapsing forms of MS, but it will not cure it....
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation was done as a second-line therapy to treat the progression of the disease, in this case with a favorable result for the patient. Given the degree of pathogenicity of the disease, these treatments were carried out at the time in which the genetic analyzes ...
Midazolam is often used as additional treat- ment when analgesia is considered insufficient or as a means to decrease analgesic use but no evidence supports this prac- tice in the neonate. Experimental data suggest, however, that midazolam lacks sedative or analgesic effects in the neonatal period...
Furthermore, several toxin-derived peptides have been developed into pharmaceuticals which are used to treat diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain and other disorders [31]. Moreover, a similar study presents a critical theoretical foundation as well as significant empirical data on the essential ...
Methotrexate is also used to treat severepsoriasisandrheumatoid arthritisin adults. It is also used to treat active polyarticular-course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children. Methotrexate is sometimes given when other medicines have not been effective. ...
Singapore: Singapore is projected to witness significant growth in the Multiple Sclerosis Drugs market. Definition: This market covers drugs to treat the neurological autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis.
Results Qualitative analysis indicated twelve major themes related to HRQOL associated with the disease condition and experiences with the DMDs used to treat MS: (1) HRQOL before the diagnosis of MS; (2) HRQOL after the diagnosis of MS; (3) Coping with MS; (4) Opinions regarding the ...