through a variety of data sources, including official statistics, field observations, individual interviews with 20 law enforcement officials, 16 focus groups with outreach and drug treatment workers, teachers, and representatives from different communities, and in-depth interviews with 27 club drug ...
GHB Information including: methods of abuse, pharmacology, health hazards, abuse statistics, and treatment options.
Increased use of ketamine and PCP in recent years has resulted in dramatic increases in emergency room visits, escalating five-fold for these dissociatives between 2005 and 2011 (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2014). The United States Surgeon General Report on Alcohol, Drugs ...
Something else to consider: According to Morledge, medicine is good at figuring out mortality statistics (lives saved by a treatment)--but it isn't very good at measuring VITALITY. One measure or marker of vitality is how much muscle mass is preserved as one ages. After age 40 we start ...
(5) Ecstasy is the one drug whose use has increased dramatically over the last five years, though the rate of increase slowed somewhat for the first time in 2001. (6) Nearly 12% of high school seniors have tried ...
Interviewed questionnaire was employed and analyzed by descriptive statistics, odd ratio, Chi-square and multiple logistic regression. It is emerged that entertainment visiting behavior significantly effects to the use of club drugs.doi:10.3923/pjssci.2011.47.51Kittima Momen...
The Danish Registry of Medicinal Product Statistics was linked to the Danish National Patient Registry.nnOutcomes: Death (Central Population Registry) and hospitalization for MI or HF (Danish National Patient Registry).Siegel, DavidACP Journal Club...