that his band’s objective had been to record something that was both instantly recognisable and yet appropriate for the occasion, “Eventually we settled on ‘Beep… Beep… Bastard… Beep’ that way the entire world will be left in absolutely no doubt that they really are listening to R-...
Everything from the Algonquin Round Table to the Frankfurt School in Germany to the origin story of Saturday Night Live or Black Mountain College in North Carolina–all of these places are really significant crucible moments, and that was what was going on with SXSW in terms of people caring ...
Other drugs are more innovative — and their development undeniably expensive.According to Tufts University, the average is $2.6bn per drug, up 145 per cent in the past 10 years. Most drug candidates fail; those that do make it to later stages must go through expensive clinical trials. In ...
I shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Looking back, the signs were there: Night sweats, diarrhoea, low energy, sleeping all day, unexplained rashes, various other niggles and twitches. I had become complacent about my continuing good health. I treated the ‘niggles’ as separate incidents ...
I creaked open the door and came inside. My parents gazed at me in horror. “What are you doing, Ben? It’s almost 2am!” My Mom vehemently asked me. “Ummm… nothin’ Mom, I was out smoking a cigarette. I’m really sorry. I only had one of them, I won’t do it again.”...
“If you didn’t want to travel all the way to Paris or weren’t able to, you could go to Lord & Taylor and buy a less-expensive version of a Charles Frederick Worth piece.” It was fully legal and above board, but spoke to the general mindset that fuels much of the sale of ...
Above all, though, just enjoy some really lovely grub! Oh, and by the way, horse-meat is just meat. The beef market is so expensive for manufacturers that, of course, people are going to look for other sources to bulk out their supplies and make some money. Why does this surprise any...
Jokes that either take place in a prison, are about prisoners or jokes about criminals or crime.Sort By New How to Get People Off Drugs Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for doing drugs. The judge says, "You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a...
We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.A day may begin well enough,but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.It seems as if a single unimportant event may cause a number of things to happen.Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on ...