Much better than: drugs are bad, mkay.Col 4 October 2012 Sam, not all illegal drugs are hardcore addictive substances - Cannabis isn't (psychological addiction is a fishy term that can apply to almost anything enjoyable and really only means lack of personal control and responsibility) , ...
“badnewsfor public land and public safety,” he says. But, it turns out, the bust was reportedearlier this monththere’s no actual“news”here. Chittim’s "news" is exhumed and rehashed fromhis old storyto inform you that pot is scary, pot growers are scary, and the feds are doing...
That said, more families are dodging this bill these days. There are fewer teens on the road, says Laura Adams, senior insurance analyst at Twenty years ago, 70% of 18-year-olds had their driver’s license, she says, but today only 54% do, due in part to the ...
One unsettling feeling you often get on high dose LSD is that because you’re more or less looking at these possibilities “from the point of view of eternity” in a way you are all of them at once. “Even the bad ones?”– yes, unsettlingly, even the bad ones. So the scary ...
Drugs 2018, 16, 499 2 of 16 L-Amino acid oxidases (LAAOs) are enzymes that catalyze the oxidative deamination of amino acids, releasing the corresponding keto acid, ammonium, and hydrogen peroxide. Two groups of tthheessee eennzzyymmeess hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddeessccrriibbeedd ssoo ffaarr.....
Such peptidomimetics are of particular interest due to their potent antimicrobial activity, versatile design, and convenient optimization via assembly by standard solid-phase procedures. Keywords: antimicrobial peptides; peptidomimetics; peptoids; antibiotics 1. Introduction Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is ...
In effect, hydrophobic low- molecular weight compounds passing through the membrane are captured by MDR1 and excreted into the circulating blood. However, it is well-known that certain pharmaceutical agents, such as CNS drugs and antihistamine drugs, can penetrate the brain through the BBB. Most ...
Furthermore, techniques to determine the skeleton are not central to this review; the focus will be on other NMR techniques that can help describe important features, such as intramolecular hydrogen bonding, tautomerism, zwitter ion formation and functional groups, the functionality of which may vary...