Drugs and Alcohol TodayESCIPubMed 发文量873 被引量2,133 影响因子(2023)0.816 主办单位:Pier Professional Ltd. 出版地区:United Kingdom 出版周期:季刊 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1745-9265 创刊时间:2001年 曾用名:Drug and alcohol professional 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情 ...
Drugs are an international problem and this is reflected in the content. Intended as a tool to assist in the search for better solutions, DAT covers but is not limited to: Harm reduction models and concepts Innovative treatments for problem use and addictions New findings into patterns of use,...
Drugs and Alcohol Today - Editorial teamMike Jay
Drugs and Alcohol Today 期刊信息 基本信息期刊全称 Drugs and Alcohol Today 期刊简称 Print ISSN 1745-9265 Online ISSN 2042-8359 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 暂无数据 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据
Drug free method that is NICE approved and a World Health Organisation Partner. Set yourself free from Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling and many more.
Nate H., US Alcohol I was a nicotine and cannabis addict for over 15 years. I had tried so many different methods, and always ended up feeling like a failure, almost pulling my hair out as to why it was so hard to set myself free from something that deep down I knew was dragging...
Drug free method that is NICE approved and a World Health Organisation Partner. Set yourself free from Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling and many more.
Despite all this, almost overnight it has become fashionable to talk of testing millions of people at work for both alcohol and drugs. Just over six months ago the idea seemed so extreme that the government cut it out of the White Paper altogether - with small concessions for prisons and ...
Signs of teen drug use include having paraphernalia and behavioral changes. Teens often use drugs and alcohol due to peer pressure, anxiety, and curiosity. Alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs are commonly used by teens. Teen drug abuse and addiction are treatable through specially-trained...
This introduction to the collection provides our thoughts on where alcohol and drug studies in anthropology are going as we enter the new millennium. After commenting briefly on each of the papers that comprise the rest of the volume, we discuss what we see as the most important and exciting ...