Help an outlandish group of new arrivals to Southern San Andreas establish a fledgling business venture running high-grade hallucinogenics out of a new mobile headquarters in the opening chapter of the mind-expanding GTA Online story update, Los Santos Drug Wars. Get started by answering a call ...
Build and expand your drug business buying and selling drugs in drug mafia game. Drug dealing is not a easy job drugs game bring to you in the world of bloody c…
Increase your cash and unlock the new missions in the drug game. Use modern technology and equipment for buying and selling the drugs. Buy different types of weapons from weapon dealer. You introduce yourself as the king of the mafia city. ...
In Drug Wars, you must dismantle the drug distribution chain by eliminating every link from local traffickers to drug barons in South America. The game, as all the previous titles from the company, is based on full motion video and requires all your shooting skills. As villains try to shoot...
This is the initial prototype for a game idea I had for some time. It is somewhat based on drugwars and the more modern interpretation, dopewars. Play as Trade Runner: a wandering trader in an alternate timeline where escalating global conflicts make people live underground for decades and ju...
The GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars update starts a new two-part story, with a fresh business enterprise to run plus new vehicles and missions.
The wild trip of Los Santos Drug Wars builds to its explosive finale in The Last Dose, with five new missions leading you, Dax, and the Fooliganz down an action-packed rabbit hole brimming with familiar faces, hired guns, sabotage, kidnapping, and more..
本作是一款科幻题材第一人称射击游戏,故事背景设定在公元 3100 年的遥远未来,由于全球变暖导致海平面上涨,布鲁克林的高楼大厦被海水淹没。 当权者在仅剩的陆地上建立了新的城市,并抛弃了原有的城市和那些并不富裕的居民,矛盾也由此开始激化。 游戏采用了独具一格的画风和刺激的游戏方式,在射击的同时还融入了大量强调...
Patch Notes: Use this thread to report bugs that may have been introduced with the new GTA Online patch, or to discuss bugs that ma
Introducing Los Santos Drug Wars, the opening chapter in a mind-expanding new GTA Online story update featuring a ragtag crew of new arrivals led by Dax, a man-on-the-edge with high hopes of dosing the world, getting rich, and climbing to the top of the Southern San ...