use during pregnancy.To be aware of the lack of safety data available on fetal adverse effects for commonly prescribed drugs.Ethical issuesDrug companies are reluctant to carry out phase III clinical trials in pregnant women and they rely on animal models and post-marketing surveillance for the ...
When pregnant mothers drink, so do their babies, which can causefetal alcohol spectrum disorders(FASDs). FASDs include a variety of physical and mental disabilities as well as emotional and behavioral problems. Marijuana There are very few studies that examine theeffects of marijuanaon developing f...
The authors propose a two/three letter category system to assist those who, like family physicians, must care for women while pregnant and while lactating. Common problems from everyday practice are reviewed, with an emphasis on the important drugs to use and avoid in a wide variety of every...
Structural equation modeling revealed that use of methamphetamine, gammahydroxybutrate (GHB), and/or ketamine (K), but not use of ecstasy, at a party venue helped explain likelihood of UAI with a casual sex-partner while under the influence of a drug during/following time partying (β=0.41,...
A new study, using responses from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, has found that about 6 percent of pregnant women reported using marijuana during the last month, and many did not associate it with health risks.
X Studies, adequate well-controlled or observational, in animals or pregnant women have demonstrated positive evidence of fetal abnormalities. The use of the product is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant.Table1: FDAcategorizationofdrugs foruse in pregnancy.Drugs...
In a sample of pregnant crack users in in-patient detoxification treatment, 25% reported frequent daily crack use (>20 rocks per day); most had poly-substance use (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, cannabis). Close to half reported sex work, i.e. exchange of sex for money or drugs (45%) ...
Educational Resources on Pregnancy and Medication Use According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 80% of pregnant people take at least one medication during pregnancy. All drugs cross the placenta, bu... D Aschenbrenner - 《American Journal of Nursing Official Magazine of the American Nu...
numberofpregnantwomenwhousedrugswhoreceive prenatalcarerequiressystems-levelratherthanonlyindi- vidual-levelchanges.Thesechangesrequireaparadigm shifttoviewingdruguseincontextofthepersonand societyandacceptanceofresponsibilityforunintended consequencesofpublichealthbureaucraticproceduresand ...
Forty pregnant drug abusers who delivered at the Department of Obstetrics, Ulleval Hospital, during the years 1980-82, were interviewed about their special background and drug abuse before and during pregnancy. The women were poorly educated, and neraly half of them had stayed in an institution...