BACK TO SCHOOL; Drug Use In Schools Takes Turn For Worse; Officials Toughen Rules To Try to Curb AbuseLeef Smith
Drug UseHigh School StudentsHigh SchoolsRacial FactorsSelf EsteemSex DifferencesStudent AttitudesStudent BehaviorDrug use was examined in a sample of high school students from a small city of 16,000 predominantly working-class residents. There were 579 high school participants (296 girls and 283 boys...
The survey also indicated that peer approval of both marijuana and alcohol use increased over the period. Advertisement The latest survey was administered from February to June, 1994, to 2,500 students in fifth, seventh, ninth and 12th grades at 21 public, private and parochial schools in Pasad...
While drug use among middle schoolers is significantly lower thandrug use among high school students, it’s still a problem. Nearly a quarter of kids in middle school say they’ve tried alcohol at some point in their life, and 18 percent of eighth-graders report having tried an illicit dru...
The back-to-school survey suggests teenagers are much more likely to smoke, drink and use drugs when their parents do not take steps to limit what they are exposed to in movies, television and music, as well as on the Internet.
Drug testing in schools will not stop abuse, students believeNg, Yukhang
Proponents of drug testing in schools are generally operating on the disease model view that only complete abstinence can truly help someone. Also, the resulting criminal penalties of positive testing tend to have the opposite intended effect of reducing risk of use. While the medical view of addi...
which means that schools cannot "catch" students that use drugs. On the other hand, random drug testing can be seen as unfair overall because the argument is that a student who may try a drug one time, shouldn't be penalized in such a harsh manner. It's also considered by many a vio...
d in Public Schools Drug Use Widespread in Public SchoolsDrug Use Widespread in Public Schools
DISCUSSION: It was shown that substance use is related to perceived social support by the adolescent's peer group and to aggressive behavior. It is therefore necessary to intervene in both respects to avoid the presence of substance use in schools.Keywords Juvenile justice 展开 ...