Wealthy Seniors to Pay More for Prescriptions under Ontario Drug Plan: Budget: Wealthy Seniors to Pay More for DrugsTORONTO - Ontario's wealthy seniors will pay more for prescriptions handled through the...Maurino, Romina
in drug utilization increase. To gauge the plausibility of the results, we calculated the elasticity of drug utilization. For simplicity we only take into account the reduction in co-payment rather than the whole non-linear pricing policy in the public plan. The coinsurance of the public plan ...
"One of the major changes that UCP made to drug coverage when they came into power was cutting tens of thousands of Albertans off of the seniors drug plan, putting a new restrictions on that public seniors drug plan. And you see in these stats, that seniors are the most likely...
Objectives To describe access to the first biologic DMARD prescription in a population of patients with RA and identical comprehensive health insurance coverage in Ontario, Canada, and to explore the associations of patient, prescriber, and geographic region with differences in time to first biologic ...
On balance, we find that the benefits of an income-based plan make them superior to age-based ones. An income-based plan would apply to all individuals and families without private coverage, including those on social assistance and seniors. Although much of the discussion for reforming Canada'...