prevention and treatment of and emergency responsetodrug overdose,inparticular opioid overdose, including on the use [...] 请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室与世界卫生组织合作,在可获得预算 外资源的情况下,应会员国的请求并与其合作,收集和传播关于预防、治疗和 应急...
-Treatment of manic episodes of bipolar disorder -Maintenance treatment for individuals with bipolar disorderUsual Adult Dose for Bipolar Disorder:Acute Control: -Usual dose: 1800 mg/day -Extended release formulations: 900 mg orally in the morning and at nighttime -Regular release formulations: 600 ...
Depakote ER Depakote Sprinkles Related treatment guides Bipolar Disorder Mania Migraine Prevention Seizures EpilepsyFurther informationRemember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use Depakote only for the indication prescribed.. ...
Persistence of low drug treatment coverage for injection drug users in large US metropolitan areas Injection drug users (IDUs) are at high risk for HIV, hepatitis, overdose and other harms. Greater drug treatment availability has been shown to reduce the... B Tempalski,CM Cleland,ER Pouget,....
Overall, female crack users commonly feature lower self-reported health status than their male counterparts [25],[31]; however there do not seem to be major gender-differences in treatment seeking, retention or outcomes [13],[32]. Crack use has become a prevalent street drug use phenomenon ...
In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry Allelic or star (“*”) variants for drug-metabolizing enzymes represent combinations of co-segregating SNPs (haplotypes) and/or other polymorphisms that collectively determine the functional status of one inherited copy of a gene encoding a drug-metabolizing en...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Wikipedia. in·tol·er·ance (ĭn-tŏl′ər-əns) n. 1. The quality or condition of being intolerant; lack of tolerance. 2. Medicine Inability to digest or metabolize a food, drug, or other substance or compound: lactose intolerance. American ...
in doses normally used for the treatment, prophylaxis, or diagnosis of disease, or the modification of physiological function’ (World Health Organization). The definition has now been extended in the European Union to include use outside the licensed indication, abuse,medication errorand overdose....
The corresponding final diagnosis was most commonly hyponatremia or medication-overdose. Non-specific complaints are a common mode of presentation in the ED and have previously been described using terms, such as “general deterioration”, “loss of energy”, “weakness” or “home care impossible”...
positioned as adjuncts to overall treatment packages, as they are of uncertain benefit relative to medicalised therapies [53,54,55]. Over the years, many risk factors for overdose have been identified, for example: polydrug use; psychiatric comorbidity; unstable housing; witnessing overdose; ...