Help and advice A friend A child Pressure to take drugs What to do in an emergency If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or drinking, call 999 for an ambulance. Tell the crew everything you know. It could save their life. What else to do in an emergency ...
Prescription drug misuse (PDM), or using medications in ways other than prescribed, or for the purposes of getting high, is one of the most common forms of drug abuse in the USA and other parts of the world. Behind marijuana, prescription drugs are the second most heavily trafficked drug ...
Welcome to Detox Plus UK; we will help you regain your life. Pointing you in the direction of the best drug detox andalcohol detoxservices to restart your life again. Detox Plusprovidesinformationandguidancefor those struggling withsubstance misuse. We have assessed and approved 89 alcohol rehab ...
Childline ChildLine is a counselling service for children and young people. Helpline: 0800 1111 Back to top Action on Addiction Provides help and information to families and individuals who are worried about alcohol or drug misuse problems.
Professor Rick Lines, Head of the Substance Misuse Programme at Public Health Wales, said the figures are consistent with reports from local services, which indicate increased use of both powder and crack cocaine. “These evolving trends point to a need to expand our services to meet the needs...
Children talking to ChildLine about parental alcohol and drug misuse. ChildLine Casenotes is a series of reports based on analysis of calls to ChildLine, a free confidential helpline for children and young people in the UK provided by the NSPCC.\\\ud\\\udThis report is based on detailed...
Each person who struggles with alcohol and drug misuse has unique circumstances, leading to varying impacts on their lives. We are firm believers in tailoring addiction treatment to the specific needs of each person. Our commitment is to provide every client with a personalised programme, ...
As a consequence of these advantages, hair samples are routinely collected and analyzed as part of criminal investigations (drug-related deaths, drug-facilitated crimes (DFCs), child protection) and for monitoring drug misuse (drug rehabilitation programs, workplace drug testing). The number of labor...
Parenting helpline and resources The Government of South Australia Parenting SA has a helpline and a host of resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families with children 0 to 12. Via the Parenting SA websitehereyou can get advice on baby and child health and parenting. There is...
The BMA's call for a national helpline to support people with prescription drug addiction is welcome in raising concerns about the misuse of prescription drugs.1 Despite a lack of research on the misuse of prescription drugs in the UK we can get a glimpse of which drugs might …...