Drug Information A to Z Drug List Treatment Options Drugs by Class Dosage Side Effects Medical Q & A Generic Drugs Harvard Health Guide Phonetic Search Pregnancy Warnings OTC Database Inactive Ingredients Veterinary Drugs International Drugs Info en Español Pricing & Coupon Guide...
Learn about 14 non-drug treatments for migraines. Acupuncture, biofeedback and massage therapy are among this list of non-drug... Famous Faces With Rheumatoid Arthritis Learn more about the famous faces of rheumatoid arthritis such as Lucille Ball, Glenn Frey, and more. ...
ADHDis a psychiatric disorder usually diagnosed duringchildhood. Children with ADHD are often hyperactive (overactive) and have difficulty paying attention and staying focused on tasks. They may interrupt other people's conversations or be impulsive and impatient. ADHD symptoms can cause problems at ho...
pharm_class_pe results.openfda.pharm_class_pe array of string Physiologic effect or pharmacodynamic effect—tissue, organ, or organ system level functional activity—of the drug's established pharmacologic class. Takes the form of the effect, followed by [PE] (such as Increased Diuresis [PE]...
Hypnotics are a class of drugs that help people with sleep problems or insomnia to get restful sleep. There are five FDA approved types of hypnotic drugs used to treat insomnia and other sleep problems. Selective melatonin agonists, benzodiazepines, nonb
The lower performance of the Int class can be attributed to insufficient training data. The Effect interaction class was found to be the second most difficult class to detect by most models compared in this analysis. Table 8. Performance comparison between proposed methods and top-ranking ...
The article presents a list of top 25 drug classes included in step therapy in the United States. The number one drug class included in step therapy is the antiulcer/ulcer combination. This is followed by cholesterol reducers, pain treatment drugs for rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis, ...
Estrogen and androgen combos are a class of drugs used for short-term (three to six months) treatment of menopausal (end of menstrual cycles) vasomotor symptoms such as episodes of flushing and sweating of the upper body and face called hot flashes and d
Preferred Drug List (PDL) Nebraska Heritage Health Effective Date: November 1, 2024 Preferred drug list Introduction This Preferred Drug List (PDL) Reference Guide gives you information that explains how covered medications are selected; exclusions and limitations; and steps to take when a medication...