Ultimate Economic Overhaul is an original large-scale re-writing of the economy and other connected factors of the game Drug Dealer Simulator, clocking in somewhere around 1000 changes. 488KB 15 -- All weed Speed Gameplay Uploaded:12 Jun 2024 ...
2. Launch UnrealModUnlockerBasic Setup 0.34.1.exe and navigate to your Drug Dealer Simulator's Win64 Folder Should be something similar to this: \steamapps\common\DrugDealerSimulator\DrugDealerSimulator\Binaries\Win64 3. Click on Patch and then OK on the popups. Exit out of the application ...
This mod has been set to hidden Hidden at 12 Oct 2024, 10:00PM bykrono159for the following reason: This mod is currently not supported by the author(s) and/or has issue(s) they are unable to fix yet. VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
This is a compilation of mods made by other creators and me to overhaul the game a bit, making it last longer and giving it a longer experience without changing the formula much in this great game. In
Huslaa's DDS2 Mod InstallerJoin the Drug Dealer Simulator Discord: https://discord.gg/HxYXsrR47z for discussions of the game.Join the Drug Dealer Simulator Modding Discord: https://discord.gg/webKrwx3gX for modding help, suggestions, and requests. ...
All Backpacks/Cases are doubled!Increased dealer max client limit to 20 from 10Increased dealer optimal client limit to 16 from 6I will do custom requests if asked to!This mod works for version 1.0.12 of the game, but may be compatible with future versions.Compatability Spoiler: Show...