【DDS】Drug ..毒枭模拟器攻略贴。冬季折扣入了这个游戏玩得我一脸懵逼,得益于祖国的栽培教育这游戏竟然连个攻略都没有。给大家搞个攻略贴,遇到的问题和解决方式都在这里跟大家详细分享,社畜更的慢大家将就看。【地图】红线 =
Drug Dealer Simulator 2 成为毒贩需要哪些条件?如何从毒贩做大,成为毒枭呢?您可以在 DDS2 这个第一人称动态开放世界模拟器中尽情探索。建立起联系人网络,制作毒品并管理好您在索布拉岛(Isla Sombra)上的集团,在这里一切以实力为王。 推荐宝藏游戏 游戏 单机游戏 游戏杂谈 多人联机 STEAM游戏 游戏资讯 单机游戏 ...
包括36 项 Steam 成就 查看 所有36 项 名称:Drug Dealer Simulator 类型:动作,冒险,独立,模拟 开发商:Byterunners 发行商:Movie Games S.A. 系列:DDS Series,Movie Games S.A. 发行日期:2020 年 4 月 16 日 访问网站Facebook Twitch X YouTube ...
您必須在 Steam 上擁有遊戲主程式Drug Dealer Simulator 2才能遊玩此內容。 所有評論: 無使用者評論 發行日期: 即將推出 開發人員: True Games Syndicate,Movie Games S.A. + 發行商: Movie Games S.A. 使用者為此產品所選用的熱門標籤: 模擬動作冒險開放世界多人單人3D ...
有没有大佬玩了dru..有没有大佬玩了drug dealer模拟器这个游戏啊……我卡关了,刚刚升到10级,去b区的路口有jc,让我找别的路进去,但是我找了半天没找到,网上也因为这个游戏的特殊性没有攻略
2回复贴,共1页 <返回steam吧求助毒枭模拟器Drug dealer simulator升威望 只看楼主收藏回复 双双薄壁 初闻蒸汽 1 请问大佬怎么提升东部贫民窟威望啊?我喷漆跑遍了棚户区,后面废弃农场也看了,没地方喷漆啊。发样品就跟扯了,专门禁用了所有药,来Eddie结账对面这个路口等着,一天就3/5个人,对面一街之隔人来人往,...
Even though the core ofDrug Dealer Simulatoris strong, there is still much more it could become. The possibilities of fighting the cops, fending off rival gangs, setting up autonomous grow operations or delivery systems, and adding all the customization for dressing up your character, room, and...
Platform:Steam Check activation guide Can be activated in:unitedStates Check country restrictions Region: Type: Key Account Gift Drug Dealer Simulator is an FPP simulator game developed by Byterunners Game Studio in 2020. The game allows players to experience the life of a drug dealer, and many...
Tweets by @steamcharts All data ispowered by Steam. Not affiliated with Valve in any way. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Our goal is to provide unique insight into gaming trends. © steamcharts.com...
AllPCSteam DeckChromeOS31 Reports Filter: BigMitch(4 reports) 71 hours overall BigMitch (4 reports) 71 hours overall2 months ago Great performance. 2 months ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-20 Small stutters occasionally, but only for about 15 minutes after launching the game. ...