By late March, commercials will give the pill’s list price plus typical out-of-pocket costs. The information will appear on screen at the end of the commercial and include a website where people can enter insurance information to get more specific costs. Without insurance, Xarelto costs $...
Should Prescription Drug Risks Be Limited in TV Commercials? the FDA Wants Your OpinionMarcus, Stacy K
said Scott White, head of J&J's North American pharmaceutical marketing. By late March, commercials will give the pill's list price plus typical out-of-pocket costs. The information will appear on screen at the end of the commercial and include a website where people can enter insurance info...
THE EFFECT OF SELF-REGULATION ON THE ETHICAL CONDUCT OF TV DRUG ADVERTISING - 1973 TO 1983 (OVER-THE-COUNTER, COMMERCIALS, REGULATORY, OTC).In the context of this study, self-regulation relates to self-imposed and voluntarily administered activities, conducted by private organizations, which are ...