Drug crime charges in-volving the possession, smuggling, distribution and production of cocaine, “crack,” Ecstacy, hashish, marijuana, crystal “meth,” metham-phetamine, opiates, hallucin-ogens, PCP, and regulated pain prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Hydro-codone and Vicodin can carry stiff...
Sometimes stories break that sound more like an unlikely plot of a movie rather than something happening in real life. That is exactly what unfolded recently when the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department’s Kenosha Drug Operations Group (KDOG), Tactical Response Team (TRT), and members of the...
Acadia National Park includes Mount Desert Island, the most massive island off the Maine Coast in the town of Bar Harbor. Some must-do activities in the area include soaking up the scenery while walking the shore path or cruising on the Queen Mary. From March to October, whale watching is ...