Drug addiction is a major problem in many countries, with rehabilitation and treatment clinics playing a critical role in aiding drug addicts’ recovery. Thus, the issue requires an effective automated system that can predict the likelihood of relapse in addicts. The system uses a dataset to train...
Prevalence estimates of drug addiction among high-school students and its association with violence, and school behaviors: A cross-sectional study from Jordan Author links open overlay panelLiqaa A. Raffee a, Mohammad A. Al-Qudah b, Wail A. Hayajneh c, Khaled Z. Alawneh d, Omar Ibrahim ...
Project QUIT (Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial): a randomized controlled trial of a primary care-based multi-component brief intervention to reduce risky drug use. Addiction. 2015;110(11):1777-1790. doi:10.1111/add.12993PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 90. Gelberg L, Andersen RM, ...
The Stigmatization of Drug Addiction in South-East Turkey the Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Programme for Youth Project in Turkeydoi:10.5152/ADDICTA.2022.22009TURKEYDRUG abuse preventionDRUG addictionSTREAMING video & televisionDRUG utilizationCannabis use undergoes a dynamic rede...
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Abuse and Addiction: 25 Years of Discovery to Advance the Health of the People: The Sixth Triennial Report to Congress from the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Bethesda, Md National Institute on Drug Abuse1999; 4. Office of National Drug Control ...
Employment is a vital source for experiencing well-being and lowering the risk of long-term social marginalisation and poverty. For persons with alcohol and drug addiction, it may also improve sobriety. However, the unemployment situation for this group
Neural systems of reinforcement for drug addiction: from actions to habits to compulsion. Nat Neurosci 8: 1481–1489. Geinisman Y, Berry RW, Disterhoft JF, Power JM, Van der Zee EA (2001). Associative learning elicits the formation of multiple- synapse boutons. J Neurosci 21: 5568–5573....
While reacting to Seruiratu’s claim that senior officers have been removed from the force, Tikoduadua says to his knowledge the only change that happened in the police force was the suspension of Commissioner Qiliho. He says most of the big removals of talented and experienced individuals in...
Purchase PDF Article preview select article Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment Research articleAbstract only Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months...
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. Missed opportunity: national survey of primary care physicians and patients on substance abuse. Published 2000. Accessed May 17, 2016. https://www.centeronaddiction.org/addiction-research/reports/national-survey-primary-care-physicians-patients-substance-...