Drug abuse patterns of Vietnamese war veterans hospitalized as narcotic addictsWeppner, Robert S
Jim Morrison, the enigmatic frontman of The Doors, was as notorious for his substance abuse as he was for his poetic lyrics and mesmerizing stage presence. His alcohol-fueled antics were often unpredictable, but they only added to the mythos that surrounded him. Tragically, Morrison died ...
Those of you that have experience with any form of substance abuse may find that this movie rings true. I loved the quote by Bob something to the effect of: "In life, you never know one minute to the next how you're going to feel. But a dope fiend just has to look at the ...
Indeed, drug-taking was considered a sort of symbol of the youth culture at the time along with their advocacy of free love, civil rights for the blacks, womens liberation and the end of the war in Vietnam(越南). The Hippie Movement A hippie (or hippy) is a member of a subculture ...
Our drug war results in staggeringly tragic losses. Drugs, when abused, can be dangerous, but they are not nearly as lethal as the drug war itself. In addition to the blights of an imprisoned population, lost rights, broken families, and economic waste, people are dying in this war. No...
Vietnam War era, you wanna sell narcotics at scale. You have to sell to Americans. I mean, we are the most ravenous consumers of narcotics in the world. [00:41:51] We still are. And only Americans. And Europeans and others. Mm-Hmm. But only more developed countries could afford to...
Between 60%–80% of patients who develop PTSD turn to alcohol or narcotics in order to avoid or numb painful memories. According to the NVVRS, the estimated lifetime prevalence of alcohol abuse among male Vietnam veterans is 39.2%, and the estimated lifetime prevalence of drug abuse is 5.7...
According to Sabbath, the band was a reaction to the drastic social and political change that happened as the hippie movement fell apart in the face of the Vietnam War, a strong conservative backlash to liberal ideals, heavy drug use, and formerly groovy violent cults such as th...
In the wake of the Vietnam War, Watergate and continual racial conflicts, movie goers were more than happy to visit a galaxy far, far away (and breaking free of real-life problems for a couple of hours). Throw in society’s continued fascination with space exploration and you had a ...
Using an epidemiologically obtained sample, we examined patterns of illicit drug use, abuse, and remission over a 25-year period and recent treatment use. Methods. The surviving members of the cohort (n = 841), previously surveyed in 1972 and 1974, comprised 3 subsamples of Vietnam War ...