The meaning of DRUDGERY is dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor. How to use drudgery in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Drudgery.
drudgeries['drʌdʒəri]n. 苦工,苦差事参考例子 1.While confined by drudgeries to the homes of their employers, they find emotional sustenance in songs and dances shared with their female compatriots at Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro. 长期与丈夫及子女分离,没有家人感情上的支持,同乡姊妹间的...
drudgeries [ drudgery ]的复数形式相关短语 international style (一种功能主义的建筑形式) 国际式 rolling and peening (齿面塑变形式) 滚轧与锤击 condominium (一种公寓产权的形式) 私有共管 bonded debt (指以发行公司债的形式而负担的债务) 债券负债 lapped type (指混凝土沉排形式) 重叠式 sun burst (...
“drudgeries"的含义和定义 Plural form of drudgery. noun plural of [i]drudgery[/i] 更多 例句与“ drudgeries " 变形 干 You may cease your drudgery. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Ten years later, on 1 May 1955, the same Pontiff established the Feast of St Joseph the Worker to point out...
词汇 drudgeries 释义 请参阅词条drudgery 随便看 produces producible producing product producted producting production productions productive productivities productivity products proem proems proette pro-European prof profane profaned profanes profaning smitten smock smocked smocking...
词汇drudgeries 释义请查阅词条:drudgery 随便看 parkas parked parker parker, bonnie parker,-bonnie parker,bonnie parker-bowles,-camilla parker bowles, camilla Parker-Bowles, Camilla parker,-charlie Parker, Charlie parker,charlie parker,-dorothy
词汇drudgeries 释义请查阅词条:drudgery 随便看 Psychology, psychiatry-topic neurology Psychology, psychiatry-topic neurosis Psychology, psychiatry-topic neurosis Psychology, psychiatry-topic neurotic Psychology, psychiatry-topic neurotic Psychology, psychiatry-topic obsessive ...
Participation, Decision Making and Drudgeries faced by Women in Cotton CultivationUsha Soundararajan