DRTtools是一个基于MATLAB的直观图形用户界面(GUI),用于计算电化学阻抗谱数据的等效电路模型。DRT代表分布式响应理论(Distributed Resistance and Capacitance Theory),它是一种在电化学领域广泛应用的分析方法。DRTtools旨在简化DRT计算过程,并为用户提供方便的工具来解释和分析电化学阻抗数据。 通过DRTtools,用户可以导入电...
DRTtools is a Matlab toolbox that analyzes EIS data via the DRT model. DRTtools includes: an intuitive GUI for computing DRT based on Tikhonov regularization several options for optimizing the estimation of the DRT a sampler that allows you to determine the credible intervals of your DRT ...