Define drowsy. drowsy synonyms, drowsy pronunciation, drowsy translation, English dictionary definition of drowsy. adj. drows·i·er , drows·i·est 1. Dull with sleepiness; sluggish. 2. Produced or characterized by sleepiness. 3. Inducing sleepiness; so
Today kicks off Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, a National Sleep Foundation public awareness campaign to educate drivers about sleep safety. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety released a new study showing that the tragedy of drowsy driving is more pervasive than shown in previous estimates. Their ...
According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), an estimated 1 in 25 drivers aged 18 or older reported falling asleep at the wheel within 30 days of the study. Fatal accidents caused by drowsy driving were more prevalent in some states compared to others.While Connecticut and...