drought 显示所有例句 n. 1. 久旱;旱灾a long period of time when there is little or no rain 例句 释义: 全部,旱灾,枯竭,旱季,干旱,乾旱,天旱,缺乏 更多例句筛选 1. "Our researchers are now working to develop stress-resistant crops that are drought-tolerant, heat-tolerant and saline-resistant,...
Thedroughthas intensified. 旱情加剧了. 《简明英汉词典》 True, thedroughtis serious, but it can't scare us. 旱情诚然是严重的, 但它吓不倒我们. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Money and food were sent to the impoverisheddroughtvictims. 给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食. ...
1、drought-enduring a. 耐旱的 2、drought-resistant a. 抗旱的 3、drought-escaping 干旱侵蚀 4、droughtfire 干旱之火 5、droughtseason 旱季 6、droughtring 干轮 7、droughtspot 干旱斑点病 8、droughtstress 干旱应激,干旱胁迫 9、droughtreserve 应付财务困难的准备金 ...
必应词典为您提供droughty的释义,美['draʊtɪ],英['draʊtɪ],adj. 干旱的;旱灾的;干燥的;〈古〉口渴的; 网络释义: 乾旱的;乾燥的;
用作名词(n.) The stream ran dry in drought.干旱时这条小溪干了。 The crops failed because of the drought.干旱造成农作物歉收。词源解说 ☆ 直接源自古英语的drugath,意为使干透。近义词 反义词 临近词 dearth缺乏 barrenness不毛 dry干的 spell拼写 deficiency缺乏 dehydration脱水 drouth干旱 paucity少数...
drought的意思、解释 复数形式:droughts; drought 基本解释 名词旱灾; 干旱(时期),旱季; (长期的)缺乏; 枯竭drought 同义词 drought的解释 名词drouthdrought 反义词 名词wetdrought 相关例句 名词 1. drought的近义词 1. Right now there's a drought of adequate leadership. 眼下缺少能胜任的领导人。 2. 2....
drought[draut] 学习资料 [意 思]n. 干旱 [例]The crops died during the drought. 久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。 更多意思 n.干旱 参考例句 1.Severedroughthas afflicted the countryside. 严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。 2.The river ran dry during thedrought. ...
沪江词库精选drought是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析 英音 [draut] ; 美音 [draut] ; 名词可数名词:不可数名词:1.干旱2.旱灾,长期干旱3.(长期的)缺乏,不足词形变化 形容词 droughty 英语解释 a prolonged shortage a shortage of rainfall...
Thedroughtthereisstretchingresources.那里的干旱正在耗尽财力物力。Thedroughtthereistheworstinacentury.那里的旱情百年不遇。Thereservoirwaslowafterthelongdrought.久旱之后水库的水位下降了。drought的原形 原形是dry,意思是干的,例如:1.Itwasgoodtobebackondrylandagain.回到陆地上真好。2.Icouldseethe...