Got some frames dropping all of a sudden while streaming. I´ve tried everything, like NVENC/x264, tried lowering the resulotion, terminate background apps, running OBS as administrator, but still have the same issue... and my processor is running on 80-100% all the time while gaming....
FPS Dropping to 0 while streaming League if Legends , so i'm not able to stream wiht obs open and play league , when I create a new scene and I make a game capture some seconds after the frames per second are a 0 You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Reddit Pintere...
Her FPS starts on her normal high fps [200 in some games, sometimes 300 on others, doesn't rlly matter] but then those frames drop to 60-40 fps, and lowers even more the further she stays/plays those games. Probably important details to add in; - I did accidentally cut myself and...
I just did a quick 2 game test (didnt have the time tonight to do a longer test) just to get an idea of what my system is running at while Recording and Playing. My CPU usage sits around 60-65% and my GPU usage sits around 50ish% while looting and going from place to place and...
Source devices are adapted to facilitate video data streaming to a sink device. According to one example, a source device can capture a plurality of frames of video data, each frame including a set of graphical command tokens. Responsive to a delay between the source device and a sink device...
I've been streaming on Twitch for nearly a year now with no issues, until the beginning of November. Previously I'd have no dropped frames and a stable bitrate. Now my bitrate (which is set to 5k) jumps from 2k all the way to 7k, causing thousands of dropped frames. I have not to...
Question / HelpDropping Frames while streaming even a good internet and computer. I am currently experiencing an issue with dropping frames while streaming with OBS. I am not sure if I am experiencing his issue because of my internet connection or my OBS settings or my computer. Here are my...
Question / HelpOBS Dropping frames and cpu usage is low Hello, I can't seem to get obs settings right to where the FPS while recording or streaming doesn't drop. OBS will be at a 60 fps but once I click in the game window it will drop fps to somewhere in the 50's and sometimes...
i would infer that your network route to league of legends server is not good. Remember again that a bandwidth test is often done to a nearby server to...