School counseling High school culturegraduation ratesand dropout rates THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Michael Ward PearsonPhilip LHigh school graduation rates and dropout rates have been a source of concern for many years. A number of strategies have been studied that could improve graduation ...
News compared high school dropout rates of racial and ethnic groups in a state to the rate of the state’s overall population, measuring the average disparity between the two categories. States were ranked based on the size of their disparity, with higher values resulting in a ...
Graduation season is upon us in Massachusetts, but not everyone graduates. Not everyone graduates on time, either. It's never too late to get an education. Although rates of students dropping out has decreased over the last 100 years, high school students drop out for many reasons. Why stude...
Recently the team atNewsweekput together a list of all 254 counties in Texas looking at high school dropout rates in each of them. It’s important to note that when putting this data together population and enrollment numbers were not included. It was strictly about the number of students tha...
In this paper, I consider the impact of the expansion of exams students must pass in order to graduate high school on dropout rates. "Exit exams," as these tests are known, have become more common, and more difficult. These exams are controversial, with opponents claiming they drive ...
But there are many reasons that graduation rates can rise, and not all of them have to do with stronger schools preparing more students for life after high school. Alabama, for example,made outsize gains in 2014: ...
Today's high school dropout rates call for drastic measures, and community colleges are taking action to help keep students in high school. Learn about their innovative programs and how your local community college is keeping high school students on campus.The...
Native Americans long have had one of the highest high school dropout rates of any ethnic group in the nation. Reducing that figure is a priority for theBureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Office of Indian Education Programsand individual BIA schools such as those in Maine: Beatrice Rafferty School...
Dropout rate refers to the percentage of students that do not complete their high school education. There are a variety of methods for calculating dropout rates and each method yields a slightly different result. The most common formula used is known as the "leaver" rate or the departure-classi...
Deploying a long-promised tool to track high school dropouts, the state released numbers Wednesday estimating that 1 in 4 California students– and 1 in 3 in Los Angeles– quit school. The rates are considerably higher than previously acknowledged but lower than some independent estimates. ...