Wierzbicki and Pekarik (1993) note the potential for reporting bias to have inflated apparent effects, particularly in earlier studies. The relatively basic search terms and strategies used in earlier reviews (where reported) may also have led to selection bias. Both Baekeland and Lundwall (1975)...
Zero Inflated Factor Analysis (ZIFA) was the first specific tool designed for factorizing and visualizing scRNA-seq data [31], followed by a few recent methods [39, 40]. We hypothesized that with the preprocessing of scRNA-seq data by imputing the dropout events using DrImpute, the generic ...
In turn, the efficiency of new customer acquisition is overinflated and attracts more investment into marketing activities that are less efficient than stated. The MPP model is known to be a good tool for describing repeat purchases and has widely been applied in so-called offline studies, where...