mode:模式,菜单类型,现在支持垂直、水平、和内嵌模式三种,string: vertical vertical-right horizontal inline,影响到菜单的整体布局。 根据设计图,我们可以看到菜单要求是向右的箭头,则可以使用mode="vertical"的垂直菜单方式。 图标与菜单标题展示:key要取唯一值,唯一值可以是menu.path路由路径 如果没有二级菜单和有二...
Create ant design horizontal tabs component View on mobile screen - if there are too many tabs, then the overflowing tabs are displayed inside a menu triggered by hovering on the 3 dots icon What is expected? I should be able to pass dropdown and menu component's props to the tabs compon...
<Dropdown overlay={menu}> <a className="ant-dropdown-link" onClick={(e) => e.preventDefault()}> Hover me <Icon type="down" /> </a> </Dropdown>菜单:菜单分割线:<Menu.Divider />基本属性:菜单类型:vertical horizontal inline基本使用:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <Menu mode="horizontal"> <Menu...
icon: 'mdi:format-horizontal-align-left' }, { key: 'closeRight', label: $t('dropdown.closeRight'), icon: 'mdi:format-horizontal-align-right' }, { key: 'closeAll', label: $t('dropdown.closeAll'), icon: 'ant-design:line-outlined' } ]; const { excludeKeys, disabledKeys } = pro...