首先,您需要从 G Suite Marketplace安装 Dropbox for Gmail Chrome Extension (不用担心,您不需要 G Suite 帐户,它也适用于常规 Gmail)。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 从那里,单击“添加到 Chrome”。如果您由于某种原因已经安装了扩展程序并且没有意识到它,您将看到“从 Chrome 中删除”。在这种情况下,只需在该...
直接在 Gmail 窗口中发送和预览 Dropbox 文件和链接。 利用 Dropbox for Gmail 扩展程序共享和查看重要资料,轻松又省时。 通过在 Gmail 的“撰写”窗口中添加 Dropbox 按钮,您可以轻松地在电子邮件中发送 Dropbox 共享链接,进而流畅共享大文件,并为日益拥挤的收件箱节省空间。 通过“最近的文件”选项卡快速访问...
谷歌浏览器插件 Dropbox for Gmail是 Dropbox 官方开发在插件,安装这个插件后可直接在 Gmail 窗口中发送和预览 Dropbox 文件和链接。特别是在邮箱插入附件因为大小限制的话,那么这个插件非常有用。当然使用网盘分享链接也一样可以解决。 利用 Dropbox for Gmail 扩展程序
FREE! Save emails to Dropbox directly from Gmail™. This extension lets you save Gmail™ emails to Dropbox™ with one click. The emails, along...
MultCloud Chrome Extension In the End With the most detailed instructions illustrated above, now you can transfer Dropbox to Google Drive on iPad, iPhone, Android phone, or computer fast without any concern. Since MultCloud can be operated well on all the platforms, it would be great for you...
If you use Chrome, you'll also be able to leverage the power of search there. You can start typing in the URL bar for Google Drive files, and you'll see them as suggestions. You can also see Drive file suggestions when opening a new tab, or install an extension to edit Docs/Sheets...
Chrome OS OpenBSD TermuxIf you have successfully tested this script on others systems or platforms please let me know!Running as cron jobDropbox Uploader relies on a different configuration file for each system user. The default configuration file location is $HOME/.dropbox_uploader. This means ...
Append new labeled emails on Gmail to files on Dropbox Send emails with Dropbox attachments from a Google Chrome extension Send emails in Gmail for new files in Dropbox folders Create Gmail drafts for new Dropbox files in a folder Upload new starred emails from Gmail t...
For "Name your app", enter "CloudDiff". Or don't, I'm not your boss. Note the "App key" generated; enter this in the extension's Options page as "Dropbox app key". In the Settings > OAuth 2 section, add the Redirect URI chrome-extension://mclhnicmmbipgddnijniccihmbdlhogb/dr...
* Monitor for changes ## Getting started First, clone the repository using git (recommended): ```bash git clone https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader.git ``` or download the script manually using this command: ```bash