要與Windows 共用 macOS iCloud、Dropbox 或 Google Drive 資料夾,請進行以下操作:附註:在Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition 中,您也可以和 Windows 共用您的 Dropbox for Business 資料夾。如果您還未在 macOS 中設定 iCloud、Dropbox 或 Google Drive。
Sign up: Go todropbox.comand create an account. Depending on your needs, you can choose between a free or paid plan. Download and install: Once you've signed up, download and install theDropbox desktop application on your computer or laptop from above. Create folders: Create folders within...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders 和 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 中关于Desktop的路径;另一种方法,可以通过在桌面创建一个junction目录的方式实现同步,这样桌面上就会多一个实际为junction类型的“文件夹”,...
Runs on: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 File name: dropbox_82.4.1...exe (105.1 MB) Tags: #share data #back up files #cloud storage #sync files #share large files #store online #online storage #sync folders #share filesPros...
单击菜单栏中的 Parallels Desktop 图标,然后选择配置。 如果在屏幕顶部可以看见 Parallels Desktop 菜单栏,请选择操作>配置。 单击选项,然后选择共享>共享 Mac。 选择与 Windows 共享云文件夹。 登录到 Windows 并打开计算机。用于 iCloud、Dropbox 或 Google Drive 的文件夹在收藏夹部分(或者,如果是 Windows 10,则...
I had all of my files in the Dropbox desktop app on my Microsoft (Windows 10) computer. I had chosen to save files online and not locally due to the fact that my computer doesn’t have enough GB. Now, I need to move Dropbox files to OneDrive (also in the desktop app). How to...
现在Dropbox 安装程序已经安装完毕。按Windows键(也叫Super键),搜索 Dropbox 并点击它。 Start Dropbox for installation 第一次启动时,它显示两个弹出窗口。一个是关于重启 Nautilus(Ubuntu 中的文件资源管理器),另一个是关于 Dropbox 的安装。 Starting Dropbox installation ...
In addition to file transfer on the web, you can also use Dropbox and OneDrive desktop applications for data transfer. The operation steps are as follows: Step 1.Download the installation packages ofDropboxandOneDrive, and theninstall themon your computer. (If the computer is a Windows 10 sy...
Desktop flows Dexcom (Independent Publisher) DHL Tracking (Independent Publisher) DiceBear (Independent Publisher) Did You Mean This (Independent Publisher) Diffchecker DigiDates (Independent Publisher) DigitalHumani (Independent Publisher) Dime.Scheduler Dime.Scheduler (on-prem) Discord (Independent Publishe...
Sync your cloud and manage your files across Linux, Windows and macOS. Insync supports Google Drive, OneDrive, Sharepoint and Dropbox with advanced local sync features.