In general, these results show that R452B and R454B are good replacement candidates for R410A for heat pump using tube-fin heat exchangers and microchannel heat exchangers. R452B and R454B led to lower capacities. In the TFHX heat pump, on average, compared to the performance of R410A,...
DR-55 is a design-compatible refrigerant replacement for R410A, which can be used as a direct drop-in replacement. It decreases the GWP by 70%, and has lower working pressure, comparable discharge temperature, same lubricant, tubing, valves. In this study, we investigated using DR-55 to ...
R. Experimental study of R452B and R454B as drop-in replacement for R410A in split heat pumps having tube-fin and microchannel heat exchangers. Appl. Therm. Eng. 5(204), 117930 (2022). Article Google Scholar Chen, Y., Shen, C., Shi, M. & Peterson, G. P. Visualization study ...
Drop-in tests were conducted using R290/R32 (31:69) mixture in an ice-cream maker for possible replacement of R-502 and R-404A. Optimum refrigerant charge and TEV opening were obtained through a series of experiments. At the standard outdoor condition (35℃ DT, 24℃ WT), the time requ...
Consequently, HFCs were proposed as replacement for CFC and HCFC. Later they were pointed out by the Kyoto Protocol [2] because of their contribution to the Global Warming. Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), natural refrigerants and low GWP HFCs has been proposed as alternatives [3]. One of the HFC...
y_{a} = f\left( {r_{a} } \right) (11) wherer_{a},x_{i},W_{ai},b_{a}and stand for linear combiner,ith input factor, synaptic weight, neuron bias and activation function, respectively. Figure 1 Description of an artificial neuron. ...
R410ARefrigerant charge amountCOPMicro-channel heat exchangerIn the present paper, the refrigerant mixture R32/R290 (68%/32% by weight) is investigated as the drop-in replacement for R410A in household air conditioners. The GWP of it is only 22% of that of R410A. Theoretical and ...
In the present paper, the refrigerant mixture R32/R290 (68%/32% by weight) is investigated as the drop-in replacement for R410A in household air conditioners. The GWP of it is only 22% of that of R410A. Theoretical and experimental investigations are conducted on the performance of the ...
Presently, R-410A is regarded as the major replacement of R-22 for the new refrigeration systems. The introduction of the new refrigerants to the market requires experimental studies of their performance with oil lubricant in the air conditioners and refrigeration systems. One particular interest is...
An experimental investigation of refrigerant mixture R32/R290 as drop-in replacement for HFC410A in household air conditioners[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, 57: 216-0228.An experimental investigation of refrigerant mixture R32/R290 as drop-in replacement for HFC410A in household ...