新项目的关键活动都已经确定了吗? 10.What delivery date are we looking at? 什么时候交货? 11. There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is next Friday's close of business. 不能再推迟了,最后期限是下周五下班的时候。 12. Were approaching the critical point for success or ...
The meaning of DROP-DEAD DATE is a date by which something must be done or finished : a deadline that must be met. How to use drop-dead date in a sentence.
What Is a Drop-Dead Fee vs. a Drop-Dead Date? Adrop-dead dateis a provision in a contract that sets out a finite deadline that, if not met, will automatically trigger adverse consequences. Failing to meet the deadline made explicit in the terms of a written agreement could result in ...
The Dangerous Fiscal Deadline Isn't Dec. 31 It's February 2013 (Posted 2012-11-29 23:38:23) ; That's the Drop-Date Date for the Government to Raise the Debt Ceiling. and Unless a Significant Deficit Deal Is Achieved by Then, Republicans Could Threaten Another Showdown...