The MOVOBJ, RNMOBJ, and RSTOBJ CL commands maintain the RESTRICT ON DROP attribute. The CRTDUPOBJ CL command propagates the RESTRICT ON DROP attribute to the new program or service program.
また、その表スペースに存在する表に RESTRICT ON DROP 属性がある場合も、この表スペースはドロップされません (SQLSTATE 55024)。 オブジェクト名に「SYS」という接頭部が付いている場合、そのオブジェクトはシステム定義オブジェクトであり、削除できません (ただし、SYSTOOLSPACE 表スペース...
MySQL权限简介MySQL 有自己账户管理方式,这一点和DB2不同,因为DB2没有自己的账户,都是依赖于操作系统账户。MySQL账户由两部分组成:user name 和 host name,语法为 'user_name'@'host_name'. 如果一个账户只有user name,则等同于'user_name'@'%',这里的%表示所有的host mysql 开发权限 DROP MySQL 权限 mysq...
>SHOWTABLESFROMdb2; pq: database "db2" does not exist For interactive sessions from thebuilt-in SQL client, either theCASCADEoption must be set explicitly or the--unsafe-updatesflag must be set when starting the shell. Prevent dropping a non-empty database (RESTRICT) ...
DROPDATABASE[IFEXISTS][catalog_name.]db_name[(RESTRICT|CASCADE)] 1. 根据给定的表名删除数据库。若需要删除的数据库不存在会抛出异常 。 IF EXISTS 若数据库不存在,不执行任何操作。 RESTRICT 当删除一个非空数据库时,会触发异常。(默认为开)
UseDROP TABLEto drop one or more tables. DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [RESTRICT | CASCADE] Ignored clauses and options Warning The following clauses and options will be ignored and will not be resolved or converted when they are specified in the synchron...
RESTRICT 和 CASCADE 关键字什么也不做。允许它们使得从其他数据库系统移植到 MySQL 变得更容易。 所有 innodb_force_recovery 设置都不⽀持 DROP TABLE。 DROP TABLESPACE 语句 1. DROP [UNDO] TABLESPACE tablespace_name 2. [ENGINE [=] engine_name] 该语句删除了之前使⽤ CREATE TABLESPACE 创建的表空间...
DB2FamilyFundamentalstest700(1)1.使用DROP语句撤消基本表时,使用以下哪个子句,可以将下属的视图和约束引用全部撤消?A.NULLB.RESTRICT ..
Check Constraint on decimal: restrict user to enter more than 1 digit Check date format is dd/mm/yyyy Check for Null Value or Spaces check for the existence of multiple columns in a table Check for valid Ip address Check if amount is positive or negative Check If Column Is PRIMARY KEY Ch...
cannot call db2 from ssrs using parameterized query Cannot call methods on numeric Cannot call methods on nvarchar Cannot compare data types of System.Int32 and System.String. Please check the data type returned by the filter expression Cannot Connect to Database with Configuration Management Console...