obclient [mysql]> alter table table_a drop column id; ERROR 1235 (0A000): drop rowkey column is not supported 先删除主键。 obclient [mysql]> alter table table_a drop primary key; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.423 sec) 删除主键之后,再删除主键列。
"Error 8200 (HY000): Unsupported drop primary key when the table is using clustered index 【资源配置】进入到 TiDB Dashboard -集群信息 (Cluster Info) -主机(Hosts) 截图此页面 image1396×172 20.2 KBDBAER (66666) 2024 年4 月 26 日 03:07 2 https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/stable/cluste...
Dropping the primary key or unique key is not supported. An error will be returned when you perform this operation. Adding new constraints is not supported. An error will be returned when you perform this operation. Modifying constraints is not supported. An error will be returned when you per...
WaitForStatement WaitForSupportedStatement WhenClause WhereClause WhileStatement WindowClause WindowDefinition WindowDelimiter WindowDelimiterType WindowFrameClause WindowFrameType WindowsCreateLoginSource WithCtesAndXmlNamespaces WithinGroupClause WitnessDatabaseOption WlmTimeLiteral ...
OnOffPrimaryConfigurationOption OnOffPrincipalOption OnOffRemoteServiceBindingOption OnOffSessionOption OnOffStatisticsOption OpenCursorStatement OpenJsonTableReference OpenMasterKeyStatement OpenQueryTableReference OpenRowsetColumnDefinition OpenRowsetCosmos OpenRowsetCosmosOption OpenRowsetCosmosOptionKind OpenRowsetTableReferenc...
Flink SQL> ANALYZE TABLE t_user COMPUTE STATISTICS; [ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason: org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: ANALYZE TABLE is not supported for streaming mode now Flink SQL> SET execution.runtime-mode = batch; [INFO] Execute statement succeed. Flink SQL> ...
You'll need to install all the dependencies in the root directory. Since the@dnd-kitis a monorepo that uses Lerna and Yarn Workspaces, npm CLI is not supported (only yarn). yarn install This will install all dependencies in each project, build them, and symlink them via Lerna ...
The index-name must identify an index or index specification that is described in the catalog (SQLSTATE 42704). It cannot be an index that is required by the system for a primary key or unique constraint, for a replicated materialized query table, or for an XML column (SQLSTATE 42917). ...
DB is *gorm.DB DB.AutoMigrate(&model.YOUR_MODEL{}); ``` how to use the code block? Add model code. gorm:"table:YOUR_TABLE_NAME" Comment From: aixj1984 I define mode use this. `` type YOUR_MODEL struct { // 字段定义 ID uintgorm:"primaryKey"Name stringgorm:"size:255"` } ...
You'll need to install all the dependencies in the root directory. Since the@dnd-kitis a monorepo that uses Lerna and Yarn Workspaces, npm CLI is not supported (only yarn). yarn install This will install all dependencies in each project, build them, and symlink them via Lerna ...