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its never a tech problem Its always a people problem. So when I go to a security conference and I talk about SAML or OAuth, I frequently get the thousand yard stare, and when I go to an Identity conference and talk about CSRF or DOR I...
Shopping for clothing is a waste of time and annoying for me. And I rarely have patience for things that aren’t of interest to me. Or shoes! Oh, the horror! But I still buy these things at local stores and not online. But this may change. I also visit the supermarket and the ...
Tried a few Rehabs but finding contractors was impossible and the cost was never justified (in-ground oil tanks, possible leaking septic, even a busted water main soaking the front yard but that one came later…). Moved to 3% Conventional through a first time homeowner’s program, with stat...
This allows their disposal without creating extra waste, for instance, single use sensor strips may be composted. Given the growing concerns surrounding disposal of abandoned electronics, this is an important contemporary challenge [49]. While the results in this work demonstrate their use in POC ...