08. 末日泰科斯_繁荣_(08. Taikos Of Doom _Boom_) TSFH系列[100]预告片音效包 09. 亚音速的_繁荣_(09. Subsonic _Boom_) TSFH系列[100]预告片音效包 07. 把垃圾拿出来_繁荣_(07. Take Out The Trash _Boom_) TSFH系列[100]预告片音效包 ...
Personally, I suspect that X-01 was a “happy accident”, so it won’t be easy to replicate him. Here is my reasoning, feel free to tell me off, if you find something illogical Firstly, Scott mentioned that a lot of the robot’s programming is basically written by the murder-bot him...